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Creativity is a vital tool in engineering and fundamental component of innovation as innovation is the real

product of the creativity implementation.

Industry became obsessive with innovations as the essential driver for growth and sometimes the only

solution for some organizations survival. Thus there is an eagerness to boost creativity within companies.


Benefits from creativity can be quite valuable for organizations. Many companies accepted creativity as
the quite important feature of running a business and they highlight the following benefits of creativity;
- generates new types of products and finds niches in markets
- improves products functions and products market value
- improves internal efficiency and effectiveness of organization
- reduces internal costs and raises profitability of organization
- elevates company recognition on a market as a leader
- simplifies problem solving with more effective improvements
- leads to consistency of innovating at the company
- motivates people


Creativity is certainly one of the most important human's abilities. All products around us and most of

changes made to our world are results of creativity.



Design, Engineering and R&D groups are expected to be the main sources of creativity for the products
and technologies. Creativity is usually expected from those teams because of tasks performed by those

engineers and because their creativity is assumed. Most of researchers highlight tight relation between

engineering and creativity including statement "If engineers are not creative, they are not engineers".


Companies should search for creative engineers and should have a tool to unleash and evaluate those

skills on engineering. If design and engineering teams do not present satisfying creativity level then

those skills should be developed through a proper training.


Formal education prefers critical thinking with focuses on skills of analysis, of understanding, logical
explanation, of right answers, on elimination of the incorrect results and on providing the correct ones.

The other kind of thinking is a creative thinking that focuses on exploring ideas, generating possibilities,
breaking standards, thinking differently, looking for many different answers rather than just one.

Both types of thinking are important and usually used in turn when problems are to be solved when we

analyze the problem and then we generate possible solutions.


Creativity skills are neglected by formal education and those skills are not taught at majority of schools.

Those skills are not well understood and are usually considered as a special gift related mostly to artistic

creativeness. This is maybe a reason of the public surveys results indicating that only 3% of population

associates creativity with engineering.


Creativity is usually described as mental ability to generate and imagine original ideas. There should be

be nothing mystical about creativity if we try to view it as a technique of thinking that can be explained

as; - "Creativity is a mental skill to process information using techniques appropriate for generating the

new original ideas by combining and changing the existing ideas" -.


It is evident that some individuals are much more creative than others and it looks like a lot of creativity
comes usually from beyond our conscious thinking, but existence of creativity measurements and
stimulation techniques proved that creativity can be understood, enhanced and learned. Creativity is

formed by simultaneous interaction of knowledge, creative thinking with motivation and results are

proportional to strength of each of these elements. Weakness of any of these components may disable

creativity, but high potency of knowledge, creative thinking and motivation produces limitless ideas.



Creativity as the other human skills can be learned and continuously improved, and as any other skill
creative thinking requires practicing for its development. That can be done by taking various creativity

tests, by practicing with the creativity methods and with proper exercises.

There are about two hundred creativity related methods that are categorized by various features, i.e.:

by the main purpose of using the method or problem types to be solved.


All creativity techniques should be treated as tools that can be selected for the particular function, as:

- Problem analysis and definition - finding the exact problem and clarifying it with a correct description

- Ideas generation - producing ideas with their multiplication and diversification

- Ideas selection - reducing number of ideas to the most optimal and feasible by evaluations

- Idea implementation - transforming the selected idea(s) to the real solutions or products

Some of creativity techniques are designed to support few of the above functions and are formed as

processes or creativity systems.


Creativity techniques are categorized by the mechanism and process of ideas creation and by type of

stimulation of our imagination.

- Conditioning and motivating - These techniques create processes for reducing mental blocks and

- - -resistance to free natural creativity

- Randomization - These techniques break or eliminate paradigms and traditional assumption to promote

- - -producing unlimited and strange ideas for the problem solving

- Focusing - Solving problems by focusing on one issue at a time and by sequential step-by-step

- - -process usually by following the approved order.

- Pointed direction - Solving problems by recommended multi-step procedure that is described based

- - -on verified and documented experience or formed just by intuition

- Evolution path - Solving problems by using evolution pattern approach and by making changes and

- - -small transformations similar to mutations

- Knowledge-base innovations - Solving problems using already verified knowledge collected from

- - -previous experience and similar problems solved


Many of the creativity methods have features that belong to a few categories of inventive techniques
listed above.




Brainstorming method is the most known creativity technique, developed by Alex Osborn in 1941.

That method belongs to randomization group of the creativity techniques.

Brainstorming is an organized approach for producing ideas through intensive and unrestrictive thinking.

The participants are asked to think aloud and suggest as many ideas as possible no matter how bizarre

they are. All ideas are registered and should stimulate creating the next ideas. Brainstorming assumes

that greater number of ideas gives greater chance of producing an excellent and effective solution.


Brainstorming is frequently used in:
- Product development; obtaining ideas for new products and for improvements of existing products

- Finding ways of improving business and production processes
- Finding solutions for problems



Illustration of the ideas creation process using brainstorming method.



TRIZ is a problem solving methodology based on logic, data and research. TRIZ is the Russian acronym

for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. Its development was initiated by Genrich Altshuller in 1946

based on analysis of hundreds of thousands of inventions that indicated common patterns and principles

of creativity, problems solving process and problems solutions. Those principles had been identified and

structured as the algorithmic system of repeatable, predictable problem-solving processes and solutions.


Fundamental concepts of TRIZ is that the root cause of engineering problems is in technical or physical

contradictions and that problems can be solved by eliminating those contradictions. Therefore TRIZ

provides standard tools for the problem solving, including:
- The 40 Inventive Principles of Problem Solving.
- The Contradiction Matrix
- Laws of Technical Evolution and Technology Forecasting.
- 76 Standard Solutions.

It is assumed that any technical problem can be solved when it is formulated and generalized correctly

to the TRIZ level, since that allows to identify the solutions directly from the TRIZ database.

Very complex problems can be solved with TRIZ by subsequent elimination of contradictions.



Illustration of the problem solving process using TRIZ method



MEA - Multistage Evolution of Attributes was developed by author during studying Industrial Design
at ASP Krakow in 1976 and originally named as EWA - (Polish: Ewolucja Wielostopniowa Atrybutow).
The method has features of both the pointed direction and evolution path types of techniques and is
very effective for multiplying and diversifying ideas and design concepts. Mechanism of the method
is based on observation that creativity is a skill of producing the new concepts by combining and
modifying the existing ideas. This method imposes transformation of the existing object by changing

its attributes in sequential steps on the evolving process, creating usually surprising ideas.

The MEA technique can be effectively used for concepts creation in any profession and mostly in

industrial design, design engineering and art.



Illustration of the ideas creation process using MEA (EWA) method.







Sketching is the most powerful tool used for concepts visualization and is directly related to efficiency

and effectiveness of creativity process. Sketches boost imagination and creativity results in both quantity

and quality areas. They work at any types of concepts generations or problem solving, mostly in industrial

design, product design and development, product engineering, processes development, marketing ideas

and structures organizing as well. Everything can be presented on sketches, with any level of details.





Knowledge of several creative techniques would be very beneficial for engineers and designers. Mostly

knowledge of the TRIZ, the method that is a great tool for rational, structured and proven idea generation

and for problems solving. TRIZ helps to generate good solutions in a short time. Its lists of the Inventive

Principles and Standard Solutions can stimulate creativity and understanding of the creativity process.




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